Through institutional action, RERI is involved in the processes of developing and adopting public policy documents and developmental planning, by submitting objections and comments on sets of documents, concepts and drafts of spatial and urban plans in different phases of (early) public consultation, as well as by participating in public presentations and planning commission sessions in the public consultation phase of drafting urban and spatial plans.

We participate in procedures of providing opinions and comments on strategy, programs, policy concepts, and action plan proposals in public debates, as well as in processes of implementing the strategic environmental assessment of plans, programs, bases and strategies in the fields of urban planning, energy, industry, transport, waste management, water management and other areas closely related to environmental protection.

We participate in public debates which consider reports on strategic environmental assessments of various plans, programs, bases and strategies.

We track the implementation of public policy and development planning documents following their adoption and initiate the appropriate procedures whenever we find discrepancies from the positive regulations of the Republic of Serbia.

We are involved in the process of drafting and adopting acts on the declaration of protected areas by submitting objections and comments during the public consultation period for said documents.

We are institutionally involved in the process of developing and confirming urban and technical documentation for the implementation of urban plans by submitting objections and comments in the public presentation phase.

We track and involve ourselves in the processes of unified procedure implementation for the issuance of acts related to the right to construct and use buildings by initiating extraordinary inspection surveillance procedures, submitting objections, appeals and initiatives to repeal said acts in cases where their issuance contained procedural missteps, or was contrary to the positive regulations of the Republic of Serbia.

RERI participates in environmental impact assessment procedures for projects in the fields of industry, mining, energy, transportation, tourism, waste management and other areas which can have significant impact on the environment. We do this by submitting objections and opinions in different phases: when the need for an assessment is being decided on, when the scope and content of the strategic environmental assessment is being decided on, and when adoption of the assessment is being decided on. We submit appeals and initiate appropriate actions with the Administrative Court whenever we find any sort of deviations from the positive regulations of the Republic of Serbia in the abovementioned processes.

RERI produces educational and informative materials with the aim of raising citizens’ awareness on important current topics in the fields of environmental protection, planning and construction, energy transition, and the rule of law, as well as improving the knowledge and skills necessary for citizens to defend and exercise their right to participate in activities concerning their surroundings. We do this by publishing informative articles, statements, case studies, legal analyses of specific procedures, and by developing proposals for amending regulations, rule books and other bylaws, and handbooks for their implementation.

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RERI is the organization founded with the aim to achieve objectives related to promotion and improvement of rights to healthy and preserved environment, sustainable management of natural and renewable energy resources.
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